Source code for clarin.sru.server.request

import logging
import re
from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union

import cql
from werkzeug.wrappers import Request

from ..constants import PARAM_EXTENSION_PREFIX
from ..constants import SRUDiagnostics
from ..constants import SRUOperation
from ..constants import SRUParam
from ..constants import SRUParamValue
from ..constants import SRUQueryType
from ..constants import SRURecordPacking
from ..constants import SRURecordXmlEscaping
from ..constants import SRURenderBy
from ..constants import SRUVersion
from ..diagnostic import SRUDiagnostic
from ..diagnostic import SRUDiagnosticList
from ..exception import SRUException
from ..queryparser import CQLQueryParser
from ..queryparser import SRUQuery
from ..queryparser import SRUQueryParserRegistry
from .auth import SRUAuthenticationInfo
from .auth import SRUAuthenticationInfoProvider
from .config import SRUServerConfig

T = TypeVar("T")

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("__name__")

QUERY_TYPE_ALLOWED_CHARS = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class SRURequest(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Provides information about a SRU request."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_operation(self) -> SRUOperation: """Get the ``operation`` parameter of this request. Available for **explain**, **searchRetrieve** and **scan** requests. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_version(self) -> SRUVersion: """Get the **version** parameter of this request. Available for **explain**, **searchRetrieve** and **scan** requests. """
[docs] def is_version(self, version: SRUVersion) -> bool: """Check if this request is of a specific version. Args: version: the version to check Returns: bool: ``True`` if this request is in the requested version, ``False`` otherwise """ if version is None: raise Type("version is None") return self.get_version() == version
[docs] def is_version_between(self, min: SRUVersion, max: SRUVersion) -> bool: """Check if version of this request is at least `min` and at most `max`. Args: min: the minimum version max: the maximum version Returns: bool: ``True`` if this request is in the requested version, ``False`` otherwise """ if min is None: raise TypeError("min is None") if max is None: raise TypeError("max is None") if min.version_number > max.version_number: raise ValueError("min > max") version = self.get_version() return ( version.version_number >= min.version_number and version.version_number <= max.version_number )
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_record_xml_escaping(self) -> SRURecordXmlEscaping: """Get the **recordXmlEscpaing** (SRU 2.0) or **recordPacking** (SRU 1.1 and SRU 1.2) parameter of this request. Only available for **explain** and **searchRetrieve** requests. Returns: SRURecordXmlEscaping: the record XML escaping method """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_record_packing(self) -> SRURecordPacking: """Get the **recordPacking** (SRU 2.0) parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests. Returns: SRURecordPacking: the record packing method """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_query(self) -> Optional[SRUQuery[Any]]: """Get the **query** parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests. Returns: SRUQuery[Any]: an `SRUQuery` instance tailored for the used queryType or `None` if not a **searchRetrieve** request """
# TODO: required; pythonic? # def get_query(self, type: Type[T]) -> Optional[SRUQuery[T]]:
[docs] def get_query_type(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the **queryType** parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests. Returns: str: the queryType of the parsed query or `None` if not a **searchRetrieve** request """ query = self.get_query() if query is None: return None return query.query_type
[docs] def is_query_type(self, query_type: str) -> bool: """Check if the request was made with the given queryType. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests. Args: query_type: the queryType to compare with Returns: bool: ``True`` if the queryType matches, ``False`` otherwise """ if query_type is None: return False return self.get_query_type() == query_type
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_start_record(self) -> int: """Get the **startRecord** parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests. If the client did not provide a value for the request, it is set to ``1``. Returns: int: the number of the start record """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_maximum_records(self) -> int: """Get the **maximumRecords** parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests. If no value was supplied with the request, the server will automatically set a default value. Returns: int: the maximum number of records """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_record_schema_identifier(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the record schema identifier derived from the **recordSchema** parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests. If the request was send with the short record schema name, it will automatically expanded to the record schema identifier. Returns: str: the record schema identifier or `None` if no **recordSchema** parameter was supplied for this request """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_record_xpath(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the **recordXPath** parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests and version 1.1 requests. Returns: str: the record XPath or `None` of no value was supplied for this request """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_resultSet_TTL(self) -> int: """Get the **resultSetTTL** parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests. Returns: int: the result set TTL or ``-1`` if no value was supplied for this request """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_sortKeys(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the **sortKeys** parameter of this request. Only available for **searchRetrieve** requests and version 1.1 requests. Returns: str: the record XPath or `None` of no value was supplied for this request """
# TODO CQLQuery/CQLNode?
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_scan_clause(self) -> Optional[cql.CQLQuery]: """Get the **scanClause** parameter of this request. Only available for **scan** requests. Returns: cql.CQLQuery: the parsed scan clause or `None` if not a **scan** request """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_response_position(self) -> int: """Get the **responsePosition** parameter of this request. Only available for **scan** requests. If the client did not provide a value for the request, it is set to ``1``. Returns: int: the response position """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_maximum_terms(self) -> int: """Get the **maximumTerms** parameter of this request. Available for any type of request. Returns: int: the maximum number of terms or ``-1`` if no value was supplied for this request """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_stylesheet(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the **stylesheet** parameter of this request. Available for **explain**, **searchRetrieve** and **scan** requests. Returns: str: the stylesheet or `None` if no value was supplied for this request """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_renderBy(self) -> Optional[SRURenderBy]: """Get the **renderBy** parameter of this request. Returns: SRURenderBy: the renderBy parameter or `None` if no value was supplied for this request """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_response_type(self) -> Optional[str]: """(SRU 2.0) The request parameter **responseType**, paired with the Internet media type specified for the response (via either the httpAccept parameter or http accept header) determines the schema for the response. Returns: str: the value of the responeType request parameter or `None` if no value was supplied for this request """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_http_accept(self) -> Optional[str]: """(SRU 2.0) The request parameter **httpAccept** may be supplied to indicate the preferred format of the response. The value is an Internet media type. Returns: str: the value of the httpAccept request parameter or `None` if no value was supplied for """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_protocol_schema(self) -> str: """Get the protocol schema which was used of this request. Available for **explain**, **searchRetrieve** and **scan** requests. Returns: str: the protocol scheme """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_extra_request_data_names(self) -> List[str]: """Get the names of extra parameters of this request. Available for **explain**, **searchRetrieve** and **scan** requests. Returns: List[str]: a possibly empty list of parameter names """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_extra_request_data(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the value of an extra parameter of this request. Available for **explain**, **searchRetrieve** and **scan** requests. Args: name: name of the extra parameter. Must be prefixed with ``x-`` Returns: str: the value of the parameter of `None` of extra parameter with that name exists """
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ParameterInfo:
[docs] class Parameter(str, Enum): STYLESHEET = "stylesheet" RENDER_BY = "render_by" HTTP_ACCEPT = "http_accept" RESPONSE_TYPE = "response_type" START_RECORD = "start_record" MAXIMUM_RECORDS = "maximum_records" RECORD_XML_ESCAPING = "record_xml_escaping" RECORD_PACKING = "record_packing" RECORD_SCHEMA = "record_schema" RECORD_XPATH = "record_xpath" RESULT_SET_TTL = "result_set_ttl" SORT_KEYS = "sort_keys" SCAN_CLAUSE = "scan_clause" RESPONSE_POSITION = "response_position" MAXIMUM_TERMS = "maximum_terms"
# ----------------------------------------------------# ---------------------------------------------------- parameter: Parameter mandatory: bool min: SRUVersion max: SRUVersion
[docs] def name(self, version: SRUVersion) -> Optional[str]: if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.STYLESHEET: return SRUParam.STYLESHEET if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RENDER_BY: return SRUParam.RENDER_BY if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.HTTP_ACCEPT: return SRUParam.HTTP_ACCEPT if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESPONSE_TYPE: return SRUParam.RESPONSE_TYPE if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.START_RECORD: return SRUParam.START_RECORD if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.MAXIMUM_RECORDS: return SRUParam.MAXIMUM_RECORDS if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_SCHEMA: return SRUParam.RECORD_SCHEMA if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_XPATH: return SRUParam.RECORD_XPATH if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESULT_SET_TTL: return SRUParam.RESULT_SET_TTL if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.SORT_KEYS: return SRUParam.SORT_KEYS if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.SCAN_CLAUSE: return SRUParam.SCAN_CLAUSE if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESPONSE_POSITION: return SRUParam.RESPONSE_POSITION if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.MAXIMUM_TERMS: return SRUParam.MAXIMUM_TERMS if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_XML_ESCAPING: """ 'recordPacking' was renamed to 'recordXMLEscaping' in SRU 2.0. For library API treat 'recordPacking' parameter as 'recordPacking' for SRU 1.1 and SRU 1.2. """ if version == SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0: return SRUParam.RECORD_XML_ESCAPING else: return SRUParam.RECORD_PACKING if self.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_PACKING: """ 'recordPacking' only exists in SRU 2.0; the old variant is handled by the case for RECORD_XML_ESCAPING """ if version == SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0: return SRUParam.RECORD_PACKING else: return None raise ValueError(f"unknown ParameterInfo.Parameter? {self.parameter}")
[docs] def is_for_version(self, version: SRUVersion) -> bool: return ( self.min.version_number <= version.version_number and self.max.version_number >= version.version_number )
[docs]class ParameterInfoSets(Enum): EXPLAIN = [ ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.STYLESHEET, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_XML_ESCAPING, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2, ), ] SCAN = [ ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.STYLESHEET, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.HTTP_ACCEPT, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.SCAN_CLAUSE, True, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESPONSE_POSITION, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.MAXIMUM_TERMS, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ] SEARCH_RETRIEVE = [ ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.STYLESHEET, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.HTTP_ACCEPT, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RENDER_BY, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESPONSE_TYPE, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.START_RECORD, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.MAXIMUM_RECORDS, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_XML_ESCAPING, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_PACKING, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_SCHEMA, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESULT_SET_TTL, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_XPATH, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2, ), ParameterInfo( ParameterInfo.Parameter.SORT_KEYS, False, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1, SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0, ), ]
[docs] @classmethod def for_operation( cls, operation: Optional[SRUOperation] ) -> Optional[List[ParameterInfo]]: if not operation: return None if operation == SRUOperation.EXPLAIN: return cls.EXPLAIN.value if operation == SRUOperation.SCAN: return cls.SCAN.value if operation == SRUOperation.SEARCH_RETRIEVE: return cls.SEARCH_RETRIEVE.value # actually cannot happen return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFAULT_START_RECORD = 1 DEFAULT_RESPONSE_POSITION = 1
[docs]class SRURequestImpl(SRUDiagnosticList, SRURequest): def __init__( self, config: SRUServerConfig, query_parsers: SRUQueryParserRegistry, request: Request, authentication_info_provider: Optional[SRUAuthenticationInfoProvider] = None, ): self.config = config self.query_parsers = query_parsers self.authentication_info_provider = authentication_info_provider self.authentication_info: Optional[SRUAuthenticationInfo] = None self.request = request self.diagnostics: List[SRUDiagnostic] = list() # NOTE: set default to EXPLAIN # (usually correctly set when parameters validated but operations # expect some value to be set, not None allowed) # FIXME: default value version None handling? self.operation: SRUOperation = SRUOperation.EXPLAIN self.version: Optional[SRUVersion] = None self.response_type: Optional[str] = None self.http_accept: Optional[str] = None self.record_xml_escaping: Optional[SRURecordXmlEscaping] = None self.record_packing: Optional[SRURecordPacking] = None self.renderBy: Optional[SRURenderBy] = None self.stylesheet: Optional[str] = None self.query: Optional[SRUQuery[Any]] = None self.start_record = DEFAULT_START_RECORD self.maximum_records = -1 self.response_position = DEFAULT_RESPONSE_POSITION self.maximum_terms = -1 self.record_schema_identifier: Optional[str] = None self.record_xpath: Optional[str] = None self.resultSet_TTL = -1 self.sortKeys: Optional[str] = None self.scan_clause: Optional[cql.CQLQuery] = None # ----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_request(self) -> Request: return self.request
[docs] def get_operation(self) -> SRUOperation: return self.operation
[docs] def get_version(self) -> SRUVersion: if self.version is not None: return self.version return self.config.default_version
[docs] def get_authentication(self) -> Optional[SRUAuthenticationInfo]: return self.authentication_info
[docs] def get_authentication_subject(self) -> Optional[str]: if not self.authentication_info: return None return self.authentication_info.subject
# ----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_query(self) -> Optional[SRUQuery[Any]]: return self.query
[docs] def get_record_xml_escaping(self) -> SRURecordXmlEscaping: if self.record_xml_escaping is not None: return self.record_xml_escaping return self.config.default_record_xml_escaping
[docs] def get_record_packing(self) -> SRURecordPacking: if self.record_packing is not None: return self.record_packing return self.config.default_record_packing
[docs] def get_start_record(self) -> int: return self.start_record
[docs] def get_maximum_records(self) -> int: if self.config.allow_override_maximum_records and self.get_extra_request_data( SRUParam.X_UNLIMITED_RESULTSET ): return -1 if self.maximum_records == -1: return self.config.number_of_records if self.maximum_records > self.config.maximum_records: return self.config.maximum_records return self.maximum_records
[docs] def get_record_schema_identifier(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.record_schema_identifier
[docs] def get_record_xpath(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.record_xpath
[docs] def get_resultSet_TTL(self) -> int: return self.resultSet_TTL
[docs] def get_sortKeys(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.sortKeys
[docs] def get_scan_clause(self) -> Optional[cql.CQLQuery]: return self.scan_clause
[docs] def get_response_position(self) -> int: return self.response_position
[docs] def get_maximum_terms(self) -> int: if self.config.allow_override_maximum_terms and self.get_extra_request_data( SRUParam.X_UNLIMITED_TERMLIST ): return -1 if self.maximum_terms == -1: return self.config.number_of_terms if self.maximum_records > self.config.maximum_terms: return self.config.maximum_terms return self.maximum_terms
[docs] def get_stylesheet(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.stylesheet
[docs] def get_renderBy(self) -> Optional[SRURenderBy]: return self.renderBy
[docs] def get_response_type(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.response_type
# ---------------------------------------------------- # raw/parameter grabby stuff
[docs] def get_version_raw(self) -> Optional[SRUVersion]: return self.version
[docs] def get_record_xml_escaping_raw(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_version(SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0): return self.get_parameter(SRUParam.RECORD_XML_ESCAPING, True, False) else: return self.get_parameter(SRUParam.RECORD_PACKING, True, False)
[docs] def get_record_packing_raw(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_version(SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0): return self.get_parameter(SRUParam.RECORD_PACKING, True, False) else: return None
[docs] def get_record_schema_identifier_raw(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.get_parameter(SRUParam.RECORD_SCHEMA, True, False)
[docs] def get_query_raw(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.get_parameter(SRUParam.QUERY, True, False)
[docs] def get_maximum_records_raw(self) -> int: return self.maximum_records
[docs] def get_scan_clause_raw(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.get_parameter(SRUParam.SCAN_CLAUSE, True, False)
[docs] def get_http_accept_raw(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.get_parameter(SRUParam.HTTP_ACCEPT, True, False)
# FIXME: access request
[docs] def get_indent_response(self) -> int: if self.config.allow_override_indent_response: value_str = self.get_extra_request_data(SRUParam.X_INDENT_RESPONSE) if value_str: try: value = int(value_str) if value > -2 and value < 9: return value except Exception: pass return self.config.indent_response
[docs] def get_http_accept(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.http_accept is not None: return self.http_accept return self.request.headers.get("ACCEPT")
[docs] def get_protocol_schema(self) -> str: return "https://" if self.request.is_secure else "http://"
# ----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_diagnostic( self, uri: str, details: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.add_diagnostic_obj(SRUDiagnostic(uri, details, message))
[docs] def add_diagnostic_obj(self, diagnostic: SRUDiagnostic): if self.diagnostics is None: self.diagnostics = list() self.diagnostics.append(diagnostic)
# ---------------------------------------------------- def _parse_number_parameter(self, param: str, value: str, min: int) -> int: result = -1 if value: try: result = int(value) if result < min: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE, param, f"Value is less than {min}.", ) except Exception: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE, param, "Invalid number format.", ) return result def _parse_scan_query_parameter( self, param: str, value: str ) -> Optional[cql.CQLQuery]: # NOTE: this should only be called in `check_parameters_rest` # when version is not None anymore sru_query = CQLQueryParser().parse_query( self.version, {SRUParam.QUERY: value}, self # type: ignore ) if sru_query is None: return None return sru_query.parsed_query def _parse_and_check_version_parameter( self, operation: SRUOperation ) -> Optional[SRUVersion]: version_str = self.get_parameter(SRUParam.VERSION, True, True) if version_str: if version_str == SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1: return SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1 if version_str == SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2: return SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2 self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2, f"Version '{version_str}' is not supported", ) return None # except for "explain" operation, complain if "version" parameter # was not supplied. if operation != SRUOperation.EXPLAIN: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.MANDATORY_PARAMETER_NOT_SUPPLIED, str(SRUParam.VERSION), f"Mandatory parameter '{SRUParam.VERSION!s}' was not supplied.", ) # this is an explain operation, assume default version return self.config.default_version # ----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def check_parameters(self) -> bool: """Validate incoming request parameters Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if something went wrong """ if not self.check_parameters_version_operation(): return False self._check_parameters_rest() self._check_parameters_auth() # diagnostics is None -> consider as success # FIXME: this should be done nicer! return not self.diagnostics
[docs] def check_parameters_version_operation(self) -> bool: """Validate incoming request parameters **version** and **operation**. Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if something went wrong """ # generally assume, we will also allow processing of SRU 1.1 or 1.2 process_SRU_old = True # Heuristic to detect SRU version and operation ... if self.config.max_version >= SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0: if not self.get_parameter(SRUParam.VERSION, False, False): # Ok, we're committed to SRU 2.0 now, so don't allow processing # of SRU 1.1 and 1.2 ... process_SRU_old = False LOGGER.debug( "handling request as SRU 2.0, because no '%s' parameter was found in the request", SRUParam.VERSION, ) if self.get_parameter( SRUParam.QUERY, False, False ) or self.get_parameter(SRUParam.QUERY_TYPE, False, False): LOGGER.debug( "found parameter '%s' or '%s' therefore assuming '%s' operation", SRUParam.QUERY, SRUParam.QUERY_TYPE, SRUOperation.SEARCH_RETRIEVE, ) operation = SRUOperation.SEARCH_RETRIEVE elif self.get_parameter(SRUParam.SCAN_CLAUSE, False, False): LOGGER.debug( "found parameter '%s' therefore assuming '%s' operation", SRUParam.SCAN_CLAUSE, SRUOperation.SCAN, ) operation = SRUOperation.SCAN else: LOGGER.debug( "no special parameter found therefore assuming '%s' operation", SRUOperation.EXPLAIN, ) operation = SRUOperation.EXPLAIN # record version ... version: Optional[SRUVersion] = SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0 # do pedantic check for 'operation' parameter operation_str = self.get_parameter(SRUParam.OPERATION, False, False) if operation_str: # XXX: if operation is searchRetrive and the 'operation' # parameter is also searchRetrieve, should the server just # ignore it? if ( operation != SRUOperation.SEARCH_RETRIEVE and operation_str == SRUOperation.SEARCH_RETRIEVE ): self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER, SRUParam.OPERATION, message=f"Parameter '{SRUParam.OPERATION}' is not valid for SRU version 2.0", ) else: LOGGER.debug( "handling request as legacy SRU, because found parameter '%s' in request", SRUParam.VERSION, ) if process_SRU_old: # parse mandatory operation parameter operation_str = self.get_parameter(SRUParam.OPERATION, False, False) if operation_str: if not operation_str.isspace(): if operation_str == SRUOperation.EXPLAIN: operation = SRUOperation.EXPLAIN elif operation_str == SRUOperation.SCAN: operation = SRUOperation.SCAN elif operation_str == SRUOperation.SEARCH_RETRIEVE: operation = SRUOperation.SEARCH_RETRIEVE else: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, message=f"Operation '{operation_str}' is not supported", ) else: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, message=f"An empty parameter '{SRUParam.OPERATION}' is not supported.", ) # parse and check version version = self._parse_and_check_version_parameter(operation) else: # absent parameter should be interpreted as "explain" operation = SRUOperation.EXPLAIN # parse and check version version = self._parse_and_check_version_parameter(operation) # sanity check if version and operation: LOGGER.debug( "min = %s, min? = %s, max = %s, max? = %s, version = %s", self.config.min_version, version == self.config.min_version, self.config.max_version, version == self.config.max_version, version, ) if ( version >= self.config.min_version and version <= self.config.max_version ): self.version = version self.operation = operation return True else: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, self.config.max_version, message=f"Version '{version}' is not supported by this endpoint.", ) LOGGER.debug("bailed") return False
def _check_parameters_rest(self) -> bool: """Validate incoming request parameters. Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if something went wrong """ if self.diagnostics: # this should only happen if repeatedly called # which is not done usually return False # check mandatory/optional parameters for operation parameters = ParameterInfoSets.for_operation(self.operation) if not parameters: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.GENERAL_SYSTEM_ERROR, message="internal error (invalid operation)", ) return False # keep list of all submitted parameters (except "operation" and # "version"), so we can later warn if an unsupported parameter # was sent (= not all parameters were consumed). parameter_names = self.get_parameter_names() # check parameters ... for parameter in parameters: name = # type: ignore if not name: # this parameter is not supported in the SRU version that # was used for the request continue value = self.get_parameter(name, True, True) if value is None: if parameter.mandatory: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.MANDATORY_PARAMETER_NOT_SUPPLIED, name, message=f"Mandatory parameter '{name}' was not supplied.", ) continue # remove supported parameter from list if name in parameter_names: parameter_names.remove(name) # if parameter is not supported in this version, skip it # and create add an diagnostic. # NOTE: version is not None if not parameter.is_for_version(self.version): # type: ignore self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER, name, message=f"Version {self.version} does not support parameter '{name}'.", ) continue # validate and parse parameters ... if parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_XML_ESCAPING: if value == SRUParamValue.RECORD_XML_ESCAPING_XML: self.record_xml_escaping = SRURecordXmlEscaping.XML elif value == SRUParamValue.RECORD_XML_ESCAPING_STRING: self.record_xml_escaping = SRURecordXmlEscaping.STRING else: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_XML_ESCAPING_VALUE, message=f"Record XML escaping '{value}' is not supported.", ) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_PACKING: if value == SRUParamValue.RECORD_PACKING_PACKED: self.record_packing = SRURecordPacking.PACKED elif value == SRUParamValue.RECORD_PACKING_UNPACKED: self.record_packing = SRURecordPacking.UNPACKED else: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE, message=f"Record packing '{value}' is not supported.", ) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RENDER_BY: if value == SRUParamValue.RENDER_BY_CLIENT: self.renderBy = SRURenderBy.CLIENT elif value == SRUParamValue.RENDER_BY_SERVER: self.renderBy = SRURenderBy.SERVER else: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE, message=f"Value '{value}' for parameter '{name}' is not supported.", ) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_SCHEMA: # The parameter recordSchema may contain either schema # identifier or the short name. If available, set to # appropriate schema identifier in the request object. schema_info = self.config.find_schema_info(value) if schema_info: self.record_schema_identifier = schema_info.identifier else: # SRU servers are supposed to raise a non-surrogate # (fatal) diagnostic in case the record schema is not # known to the server. self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNKNOWN_SCHEMA_FOR_RETRIEVAL, value, message=f"Record schema '{value}' is not supported for retrieval.", ) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.START_RECORD: self.start_record = self._parse_number_parameter(name, value, 1) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESPONSE_POSITION: self.response_position = self._parse_number_parameter(name, value, 0) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.MAXIMUM_RECORDS: self.maximum_records = self._parse_number_parameter(name, value, 0) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.MAXIMUM_TERMS: self.maximum_terms = self._parse_number_parameter(name, value, 0) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESULT_SET_TTL: self.resultSet_TTL = self._parse_number_parameter(name, value, 0) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.SCAN_CLAUSE: self.scan_clause = self._parse_scan_query_parameter(name, value) elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RECORD_XPATH: self.record_xpath = value elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.SORT_KEYS: self.sortKeys = value elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.STYLESHEET: self.stylesheet = value elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.RESPONSE_TYPE: # FIXME: check parameter validity?! self.response_type = value elif parameter.parameter == ParameterInfo.Parameter.HTTP_ACCEPT: # FIXME: check parameter validity?! self.http_accept = value # handle query and queryType if self.operation == SRUOperation.SEARCH_RETRIEVE: # determine queryType query_type: Optional[str] = None if self.version == SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0: if SRUParam.QUERY_TYPE in parameter_names: parameter_names.remove(SRUParam.QUERY_TYPE) value = self.get_parameter(SRUParam.QUERY_TYPE, True, True) if value is None: query_type = SRUQueryType.CQL.value else: has_bad_chars = QUERY_TYPE_ALLOWED_CHARS.fullmatch(value) is None if has_bad_chars: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE, SRUParam.QUERY_TYPE, message="Value contains illegal characters.", ) else: query_type = value else: # SRU 1.1 and SRU 1.2 only support CQL query_type = SRUQueryType.CQL.value if query_type: LOGGER.debug("looking for query parser for query type '%s'", query_type) query_parser = self.query_parsers.find_query_parser(query_type) if query_parser: if query_parser.supports_version(self.version): # gather query parameters # (as required by QueryParser implementation) query_parameters = dict() missing_parameters = list() for name in query_parser.query_parameter_names: if name in parameter_names: parameter_names.remove(name) value = self.get_parameter(name, True, False) if value is not None: query_parameters[name] = value else: missing_parameters.append(name) if not missing_parameters: LOGGER.debug( "parsing query with parser for type '%s' and parameters %s", query_parser.query_type, query_parameters, ) # NOTE: version is not None self.query = query_parser.parse_query( self.version, query_parameters, self # type: ignore ) if not self.query: LOGGER.debug("query parser failed to parse query") self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR, message="Query could not be parsed.", ) else: LOGGER.debug( "parameters %s missing, cannot parse query", missing_parameters, ) for name in missing_parameters: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.MANDATORY_PARAMETER_NOT_SUPPLIED, name, message=( f"Mandatory parameter '{name}' is missing or empty. " f"Required to perform query of query type '{query_type}'." ), ) else: LOGGER.debug( "query parser for query type '%s' is not supported by SRU version %s", query_type, self.version, ) self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.CANNOT_PROCESS_QUERY_REASON_UNKNOWN, message=( f"Query parser for query type '{query_type}' is not" f" supported by SRU version '{self.version}'." ), ) else: LOGGER.debug("no parser for query type '%s' found", query_type) self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.CANNOT_PROCESS_QUERY_REASON_UNKNOWN, message=f"Cannot find query parser for query type '{query_type}'.", ) else: LOGGER.debug("cannot determine query type") self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.CANNOT_PROCESS_QUERY_REASON_UNKNOWN, message="Cannot determine query type.", ) # check if any parameters where not consumed and # add appropriate warnings if parameter_names: for name in parameter_names: # skip extraRequestData (aka extensions) if not name.startswith(PARAM_EXTENSION_PREFIX): self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER, name, message=f"Parameter '{name}' is not supported for this operation.", ) # diagnostics is None -> consider as success # FIXME: this should be done nicer! return not self.diagnostics def _check_parameters_auth(self) -> None: # extract authentication information from, # if an authentication provider is set if self.authentication_info_provider: try: self.authentication_info = ( self.authentication_info_provider.get_AuthenticationInfo( self.request ) ) except SRUException as ex: self.add_diagnostic_obj(ex.get_diagnostic()) # ----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_parameter_names(self) -> List[str]: parameters = list(self.request.args.keys()) parameters = [ p for p in parameters if p not in (SRUParam.OPERATION, SRUParam.VERSION) ] return parameters
[docs] def get_parameter( self, name: Union[SRUParam, str], nullify: bool, diagnostic_if_empty: bool ) -> Optional[str]: value = self.request.args.get(name) if value is not None: value = value.strip() if nullify and not value: value = None if diagnostic_if_empty: self.add_diagnostic( SRUDiagnostics.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE, name, message=f"An empty parameter '{name}' is not supported.", ) return value
[docs] def get_extra_request_data_names(self) -> List[str]: parameters = list(self.request.args.keys()) parameters = [p for p in parameters if p.startswith(PARAM_EXTENSION_PREFIX)] return parameters
[docs] def get_extra_request_data(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: if name is None: raise TypeError("name is None") if not name.startswith(PARAM_EXTENSION_PREFIX): raise ValueError(f"name must start with '{PARAM_EXTENSION_PREFIX}'") return self.request.args.get(name)
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