Source code for clarin.sru.server.config

import importlib.resources
import io
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import field
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from lxml import etree

from ..constants import SRURecordPacking
from ..constants import SRURecordXmlEscaping
from ..constants import SRUVersion
from ..exception import SRUConfigException

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[docs]class LegacyNamespaceMode(str, Enum): LOC = "loc" OASIS = "oasis"
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class LocalizedString: value: str lang: str primary: bool = False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFAULT_SRU_VERSION_MIN = SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1 DEFAULT_SRU_VERSION_MAX = SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2 DEFAULT_LEGACY_NAMESPACE_MODE = LegacyNamespaceMode.LOC DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = 100 DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_RECORDS = 250 DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_TERMS = 250 DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TERMS = 500 DEFAULT_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024 CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "sru" CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_URI = "" CONFIG_FILE_SCHEMA_PACKAGE = "clarin.sru.xml" CONFIG_FILE_SCHEMA_URL = "sru-server-config.xsd" # from: XML_NS_PREFIX = "xml" XML_NS_URI = "" NULL_NS_URI = "" W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI = "" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class SRUServerConfigKey(str, Enum): SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MIN = "eu.clarin.sru.server.sruSupportedVersionMin" """Parameter constant for setting the minimum supported SRU version for this SRU server. Must be smaller or equal to `SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAX`. Valid values: "``1.1``", "``1.2``" or " ``2.0``" (without quotation marks) """ SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAX = "eu.clarin.sru.server.sruSupportedVersionMax" """Parameter constant for setting the maximum supported SRU version for this SRU server. Must be larger or equal to `SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MIN`. Valid values: "``1.1``", "``1.2``" or "``2.0``" (without quotation marks) """ SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_DEFAULT = "eu.clarin.sru.server.sruSupportedVersionDefault" """Parameter constant for setting the default SRU version for this SRU server, e.g. for an **Explain** request without explicit version. Must not me less than `SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MIN` or larger than `SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAX`. Defaults to `SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAX`. Valid values: "``1.1``", "``1.2``" or "``2.0``" (without quotation marks) """ SRU_LEGACY_NAMESPACE_MODE = "eu.clarin.sru.server.legacyNamespaceMode" """Parameter constant for setting the namespace URIs for SRU 1.1 and SRU 1.2. Valid values: "``loc``" for Library Of Congress URI or "``oasis``" for OASIS URIs (without quotation marks). """ SRU_TRANSPORT = "eu.clarin.sru.server.transport" """Parameter constant for configuring the transports for this SRU server. Valid values: "``http``", "``https``" or "``http https``" (without quotation marks) Used as part of the **Explain** response. """ SRU_HOST = "" """Parameter constant for configuring the host of this SRU server. Valid values: any fully qualified hostname, e.g. ````. Used as part of the **Explain** response. """ SRU_PORT = "eu.clarin.sru.server.port" """Parameter constant for configuring the port number of this SRU server. Valid values: number between 1 and 65535 (typically 80 or 8080) Used as part of the **Explain** response. """ SRU_DATABASE = "eu.clarin.sru.server.database" """Parameter constant for configuring the database of this SRU server. This is usually the path component of the SRU servers URI. Valid values: typically the path component if the SRU server URI. Used as part of the **Explain** response. """ SRU_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = "eu.clarin.sru.server.numberOfRecords" """Parameter constant for configuring the **default** number of records the SRU server will provide in the response to a **searchRetrieve** request if the client does not provide this value. Valid values: a integer greater than 0 (default value is 100) """ SRU_MAXIMUM_RECORDS = "eu.clarin.sru.server.maximumRecords" """Parameter constant for configuring the **maximum** number of records the SRU server will support in the response to a **searchRetrieve** request. If a client requests more records, the number will be limited to this value. Valid values: a integer greater than 0 (default value is 250) """ SRU_NUMBER_OF_TERMS = "eu.clarin.sru.server.numberOfTerms" """Parameter constant for configuring the **default** number of terms the SRU server will provide in the response to a **scan** request if the client does not provide this value. Valid values: a integer greater than 0 (default value is 250) """ SRU_MAXIMUM_TERMS = "eu.clarin.sru.server.maximumTerms" """Parameter constant for configuring the **maximum** number of terms the SRU server will support in the response to a **scan** request. If a client requests more records, the number will be limited to this value. Valid values: a integer greater than 0 (default value is 500) """ SRU_ECHO_REQUESTS = "eu.clarin.sru.server.echoRequests" """Parameter constant for configuring, if the SRU server will echo the request. Valid values: ``true`` or ``false`` """ SRU_INDENT_RESPONSE = "eu.clarin.sru.server.indentResponse" """Parameter constant for configuring, if the SRU server pretty-print the XML response. Setting this parameter can be useful for manual debugging of the XML response, however it is **not recommended** for production setups. Valid values: any integer greater or equal to ``-1`` (default) and less or equal to ``8`` """ SRU_ALLOW_OVERRIDE_MAXIMUM_RECORDS = ( "eu.clarin.sru.server.allowOverrideMaximumRecords" ) """Parameter constant for configuring, if the SRU server will allow the client to override the maximum number of records the server supports. This parameter is solely intended for debugging and setting it to ``true`` is **strongly** discouraged for production setups. Valid values: ``true`` or ``false`` (default) """ SRU_ALLOW_OVERRIDE_MAXIMUM_TERMS = "eu.clarin.sru.server.allowOverrideMaximumTerms" """Parameter constant for configuring, if the SRU server will allow the client to override the maximum number of terms the server supports. This parameter is solely intended for debugging and setting it to ``true`` it is **strongly** discouraged for production setups. Valid values: ``true`` or ``false`` (default) """ SRU_ALLOW_OVERRIDE_INDENT_RESPONSE = ( "eu.clarin.sru.server.allowOverrideIndentResponse" ) """Parameter constant for configuring, if the SRU server will allow the client to override the pretty-printing setting of the server. This parameter is solely intended for debugging and setting it to ``true`` it is **strongly** discouraged for production setups. Valid values: ``true`` or ``false`` (default) """ # TODO: docstring; needed? SRU_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE = "eu.clarin.sru.server.responseBufferSize" """Parameter constant for configuring the size of response buffer. The Servlet will buffer up to this amount of data before sending a response to the client. This value specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. Valid values: any positive integer (default 65536) """
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[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class DatabaseInfo: title: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None description: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None author: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None extent: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None history: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None langUsage: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None restrictions: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None subjects: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None links: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None implementation: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class SchemaInfo: identifier: str name: str location: str sort: bool retrieve: bool title: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class IndexInfo:
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Set: identifier: str name: str title: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Index:
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Map: primary: bool set: str name: str
can_search: bool can_scan: bool can_sort: bool maps: Optional[List[Map]] = None title: Optional[List[LocalizedString]] = None
sets: Optional[List[Set]] = None indexes: Optional[List[Index]] = None
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[docs]@dataclass class SRUServerConfig: """SRU server configuration. The XML configuration file must validate against the ``sru-server-config.xsd`` W3C schema bundled with the package and need to have the ```` XML namespace. """ min_version: SRUVersion max_version: SRUVersion default_version: SRUVersion legacy_namespace_mode: LegacyNamespaceMode transport: str host: str port: int database: str number_of_records: int maximum_records: int number_of_terms: int maximum_terms: int echo_requests: bool indent_response: int response_buffer_size: int allow_override_maximum_records: bool allow_override_maximum_terms: bool allow_override_indent_response: bool base_url: str = field(init=False) database_info: DatabaseInfo index_info: IndexInfo schema_info: Optional[List[SchemaInfo]] = None def __post_init__(self): self.base_url = f"{}{':' + str(self.port) if self.port != 80 else ''}/{self.database}" if not self.schema_info: self.schema_info = None @property def default_record_xml_escaping(self) -> SRURecordXmlEscaping: return SRURecordXmlEscaping.XML @property def default_record_packing(self) -> SRURecordPacking: return SRURecordPacking.PACKED
[docs] def get_record_schema_identifier(self, record_schema_name: str) -> Optional[str]: if record_schema_name is not None: if self.schema_info: for schema in self.schema_info: if == record_schema_name: return schema.identifier return None
[docs] def get_record_schema_name(self, schema_identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: if schema_identifier is not None: if self.schema_info: for schema in self.schema_info: if schema.identifier == schema_identifier: return return None
[docs] def find_schema_info(self, value: str) -> Optional[SchemaInfo]: if value is not None: if self.schema_info: for schema in self.schema_info: if schema.identifier == value or == value: return schema return None
[docs] @staticmethod def find_set_by_name( sets: List[IndexInfo.Set], name: str ) -> Optional[IndexInfo.Set]: for set in sets: if == name: return set return None
[docs] @staticmethod def fromparams( params: Dict[str, str], database_info: DatabaseInfo, index_info: Optional[IndexInfo] = None, schema_info: Optional[List[SchemaInfo]] = None, ) -> "SRUServerConfig": """Creates an SRU configuration object with default values and overrides from **params**. Args: params: additional settings database_info: optinal `DatabaseInfo` index_info: optinal `IndexInfo` schema_info: optional list `SchemaInfo` Returns: SRUServerConfig: a initialized `SRUEndpointConfig` instance Raises: `TypeError`: if **params** is None `SRUConfigException`: if an error occurred """ if params is None: raise TypeError("params is None") # NOTE: maybe some more validation? but everything could possibly be empty if database_info is None: database_info = DatabaseInfo() if index_info is None: index_info = IndexInfo() try: # fetch parameters more parameters (usually passed from # environment) min_version = SRUServerConfig.parse_version( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MIN, False, DEFAULT_SRU_VERSION_MIN, ) max_version = SRUServerConfig.parse_version( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAX, False, DEFAULT_SRU_VERSION_MAX, ) if max_version.version_number < min_version.version_number: raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter value '{SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAX}'" f" ({max_version.version_string}) must be equal or larger than value" f"of parameter '{SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MIN}'" f" ({min_version.version_string})" ) default_version = SRUServerConfig.parse_version( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_DEFAULT, False, max_version, ) if ( default_version.version_number < min_version.version_number or default_version.version_number > max_version.version_number ): raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter value '{SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_DEFAULT}'" f" ({default_version.version_string}) must be between value of parameter" f" '{SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MIN}'" f" ({min_version.version_string}) and" f" '{SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAX}'" f" ({max_version.version_string})" ) legacy_namespace_mode = DEFAULT_LEGACY_NAMESPACE_MODE mode = params.get(SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_LEGACY_NAMESPACE_MODE) if mode is not None and isinstance(mode, str) and not mode.strip(): if LegacyNamespaceMode.LOC.value == mode: legacy_namespace_mode = LegacyNamespaceMode.LOC elif LegacyNamespaceMode.OASIS.value == mode: legacy_namespace_mode = LegacyNamespaceMode.OASIS else: raise SRUConfigException( f"invalid value for parameter {SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_LEGACY_NAMESPACE_MODE}: {mode}" ) transport = params.get(SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_TRANSPORT) if ( transport is None or not isinstance(transport, str) or not transport.strip() ): raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter {SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_TRANSPORT} is mandatory" ) transport_parts = transport.strip().lower().split() for tr in transport_parts: if tr not in ("http", "https"): raise SRUConfigException(f"unsupported transport {tr}") transport = " ".join(transport_parts) host = params.get(SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_HOST) if host is None or not isinstance(host, str) or not host.strip(): raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter {SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_HOST} is mandatory" ) port = SRUServerConfig.parse_int( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_PORT, True, -1, 1, 65535 ) database = params.get(SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_DATABASE) if ( database is None or not isinstance(database, str) or not database.strip() ): raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter {SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_DATABASE} is mandatory" ) database = database.lstrip("/") number_of_records = SRUServerConfig.parse_int( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS, False, DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS, 1, -1, ) maximum_records = SRUServerConfig.parse_int( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_MAXIMUM_RECORDS, False, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_RECORDS, number_of_records, -1, ) number_of_terms = SRUServerConfig.parse_int( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_NUMBER_OF_TERMS, False, DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_TERMS, 0, -1, ) maximum_terms = SRUServerConfig.parse_int( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_MAXIMUM_TERMS, False, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TERMS, number_of_terms, -1, ) echo_requests = SRUServerConfig.parse_bool( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_ECHO_REQUESTS, False, True ) indent_response = SRUServerConfig.parse_int( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_INDENT_RESPONSE, False, -1, -1, 8 ) allow_override_maximum_records = SRUServerConfig.parse_bool( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_ALLOW_OVERRIDE_MAXIMUM_RECORDS, False, False, ) allow_override_maximum_terms = SRUServerConfig.parse_bool( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_ALLOW_OVERRIDE_MAXIMUM_TERMS, False, False, ) allow_override_indent_response = SRUServerConfig.parse_bool( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_ALLOW_OVERRIDE_INDENT_RESPONSE, False, False, ) response_buffer_size = SRUServerConfig.parse_int( params, SRUServerConfigKey.SRU_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE, False, DEFAULT_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, -1, ) return SRUServerConfig( min_version=min_version, max_version=max_version, default_version=default_version, legacy_namespace_mode=legacy_namespace_mode, transport=transport, host=host, port=port, database=database, number_of_records=number_of_records, maximum_records=maximum_records, number_of_terms=number_of_terms, maximum_terms=maximum_terms, echo_requests=echo_requests, indent_response=indent_response, response_buffer_size=response_buffer_size, allow_override_maximum_records=allow_override_maximum_records, allow_override_maximum_terms=allow_override_maximum_terms, allow_override_indent_response=allow_override_indent_response, database_info=database_info, index_info=index_info, schema_info=schema_info, ) except Exception as ex: raise SRUConfigException("error building configuration object") from ex
[docs] @staticmethod def parse( params: Dict[str, str], config_file: Union[io.BytesIO, os.PathLike, str] ) -> "SRUServerConfig": """Parse a SRU server XML configuration file and create an configuration object from it. Args: params: additional settings config_file: an ``URL`` pointing to the XML configuration file Returns: SRUServerConfig: a initialized `SRUEndpointConfig` instance Raises: `TypeError`: if **params** or **configFile** is None `SRUConfigException`: if an error occurred """ if params is None: raise TypeError("params is None") if config_file is None: raise TypeError("config_file is None") try: doc = SRUServerConfig.load_config_file(config_file) database_info = SRUServerConfig._build_DatabaseInfo(doc) index_info = SRUServerConfig._build_IndexInfo(doc) schema_info = SRUServerConfig._build_SchemaInfo(doc) except Exception as ex: raise SRUConfigException("error reading configuration file") from ex return SRUServerConfig.fromparams( params, database_info=database_info, index_info=index_info, schema_info=schema_info, )
[docs] @staticmethod def load_config_file( config_file: Union[io.BytesIO, os.PathLike, str] ) -> etree._ElementTree: # load validation schema if not importlib.resources.is_resource( CONFIG_FILE_SCHEMA_PACKAGE, CONFIG_FILE_SCHEMA_URL ): raise SRUConfigException( f"cannot open {CONFIG_FILE_SCHEMA_URL} in {CONFIG_FILE_SCHEMA_PACKAGE}" ) with importlib.resources.open_text( CONFIG_FILE_SCHEMA_PACKAGE, CONFIG_FILE_SCHEMA_URL, encoding="utf-8", errors="strict", ) as fp: config_schema_doc = etree.parse(fp) config_schema = etree.XMLSchema(config_schema_doc) parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=False, remove_comments=True) # load config xml config_doc: etree._ElementTree = etree.parse(config_file, parser) docinfo: etree.DocInfo = config_doc.docinfo docinfo.public_id = CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_URI docinfo.system_url = CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_URI # validate config_schema.assertValid(config_doc) return config_doc
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_version( params: Dict[str, str], name: str, mandatory: bool, default: SRUVersion ) -> SRUVersion: value = params.get(name) if value is None or not isinstance(value, str) or not value.strip(): if mandatory: raise SRUConfigException(f"parameter '{name}' is mandatory") else: return default if "1.1" == value: return SRUVersion.VERSION_1_1 if "1.2" == value: return SRUVersion.VERSION_1_2 if "2.0" == value: return SRUVersion.VERSION_2_0 raise SRUConfigException(f"invalid value for parameter '{name}': value")
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_int( params: Dict[str, str], name: str, mandatory: bool, default: int, min: int, max: int, ) -> int: value = params.get(name) if value is None or not isinstance(value, str) or not value.strip().isdigit(): if mandatory: raise SRUConfigException(f"parameter '{name}' is mandatory") else: return default try: num = int(value) # sanity checks if min != -1 and max != -1: if num < min or num > max: raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter '{name}' must be between {min} and {max}: {num}" ) else: if min != -1 and num < min: raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter '{name}' must be larger than {min}: {num}" ) if max != -1 and num > max: raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter '{name}' must be smaller than {max}: {num}" ) return num except ValueError as ex: import sys raise SRUConfigException( f"parameter '{name}' must be nummerical and less than {sys.maxsize}: {value}" ) from ex
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_bool( params: Dict[str, str], name: str, mandatory: bool, default: bool ) -> bool: value = params.get(name) if ( value is None or not isinstance(value, str) or value.strip().lower() not in ("true", "false") ): if mandatory: raise SRUConfigException(f"parameter '{name}' is mandatory") else: return default return value.strip().lower() == "true"
@staticmethod def _build_DatabaseInfo(doc: etree._ElementTree) -> DatabaseInfo: title = SRUServerConfig._build_list(doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:title") description = SRUServerConfig._build_list( doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:description" ) author = SRUServerConfig._build_list(doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:author") extent = SRUServerConfig._build_list(doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:extent") history = SRUServerConfig._build_list(doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:history") langUsage = SRUServerConfig._build_list(doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:langUsage") restrictions = SRUServerConfig._build_list( doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:restrictions" ) subjects = SRUServerConfig._build_list(doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:subjects") links = SRUServerConfig._build_list(doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:links") implementation = SRUServerConfig._build_list( doc, "//sru:databaseInfo/sru:implementation" ) return DatabaseInfo( title=title, description=description, author=author, extent=extent, history=history, langUsage=langUsage, restrictions=restrictions, subjects=subjects, links=links, implementation=implementation, ) @staticmethod def _build_IndexInfo(doc: etree._ElementTree) -> IndexInfo: sets: Optional[List[IndexInfo.Set]] = None indexes: Optional[List[IndexInfo.Index]] = None nodes = doc.xpath( "//sru:indexInfo/sru:set", namespaces={CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX: CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_URI}, ) if nodes: sets = list() for node in nodes: identifier = node.get("identifier") name = node.get("name") if not identifier or not identifier.strip(): raise SRUConfigException( "attribute 'identifier' may on element '/indexInfo/set' may not be empty" ) if not name or not name.strip(): raise SRUConfigException( "attribute 'name' may on element '/indexInfo/set' may not be empty" ) title = SRUServerConfig._from_node_list( node.findall("title", namespaces=node.nsmap) ) sets.append( IndexInfo.Set(identifier=identifier, name=name, title=title) ) nodes = doc.xpath( "//sru:indexInfo/sru:index", namespaces={CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX: CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_URI}, ) if nodes: indexes = list() for node in nodes: title = SRUServerConfig._from_node_list( node.findall("title", namespaces=node.nsmap) ) can_search = SRUServerConfig._get_bool_attrib(node, "search", False) can_scan = SRUServerConfig._get_bool_attrib(node, "scan", False) can_sort = SRUServerConfig._get_bool_attrib(node, "sort", False) maps: Optional[List[IndexInfo.Index.Map]] = None nodes_map = node.findall("map", namespaces=node.nsmap) if nodes_map: maps = list() found_primary = False for node_map in nodes_map: primary = SRUServerConfig._get_bool_attrib( node_map, "primary", False ) if primary: if found_primary: raise SRUConfigException( "only one map may be 'primary' in index" ) found_primary = True node_name = node_map.find("name", namespaces=node_map.nsmap) if node_name is not None: map_set = node_name.get("set") map_name = node_name.text if not map_set or not map_set.strip(): raise SRUConfigException( "attribute 'set' on element '/indexInfo/index/map/name' may not be empty" ) if map_name is None or not map_name.strip(): raise SRUConfigException( "element '/indexInfo/index/map/name' may not be empty" ) # clarin/java code would allow setting None to both set/name # (if there was no schema validation) # so we can assume that when we find a map entry, a name entry # exists with the correct attribute # so we skip adding the map on identation lower --> mypy checks ... maps.append( IndexInfo.Index.Map( primary=primary, set=map_set, name=map_name ) ) indexes.append( IndexInfo.Index( title=title, can_search=can_search, can_scan=can_scan, can_sort=can_sort, maps=maps, ) ) # sanity check (/index/map/name/@set exists in any set/@name) if sets: for index in indexes: if not index.maps: continue for map in index.maps: if not SRUServerConfig.find_set_by_name(sets, map.set): raise SRUConfigException( f"/index/map/name refers to nonexitsing set ({map.set})" ) return IndexInfo(sets, indexes) @staticmethod def _build_SchemaInfo(doc: etree._ElementTree) -> Optional[List[SchemaInfo]]: nodes = doc.xpath( "//sru:schemaInfo/sru:schema", namespaces={CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX: CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_URI}, ) if not nodes: return None schemaInfos: List[SchemaInfo] = list() for node in nodes: identifier = node.get("identifier") name = node.get("name") location = node.get("location") if location is not None and not location.strip(): location = None sort = SRUServerConfig._get_bool_attrib(node, "sort", False) retrieve = SRUServerConfig._get_bool_attrib(node, "retrieve", False) title = SRUServerConfig._from_node_list( node.findall("title", namespaces=node.nsmap) ) schemaInfos.append( SchemaInfo( identifier=identifier, name=name, location=location, sort=sort, retrieve=retrieve, title=title, ) ) return schemaInfos @staticmethod def _build_list( doc: etree._ElementTree, xpath: str ) -> Optional[List[LocalizedString]]: return SRUServerConfig._from_node_list( doc.xpath( xpath, namespaces={CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX: CONFIG_FILE_NAMESPACE_URI}, ) ) @staticmethod def _from_node_list(nodes: List[etree._Element]) -> Optional[List[LocalizedString]]: if nodes is None or not len(nodes): return None strings = list() found_primary = False for node in nodes: primary = SRUServerConfig._get_bool_attrib(node, "primary", False) if primary: if found_primary: raise SRUConfigException( "list may only contain one element as primary" ) found_primary = True strings.append( LocalizedString( value=node.text, lang=node.get(etree.QName(XML_NS_URI, "lang")), primary=primary, ) ) return strings @staticmethod def _get_bool_attrib(node: etree._Element, local_name: str, default: bool) -> bool: value = node.get(local_name) if ( value is None or not value.strip() or value.strip().lower() not in ("true", "false") ): return default return value.strip().lower() == "true"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------