Source code for clarin.sru.constants

from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

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[docs]class SRUOperation(str, Enum): """SRU operation""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value #: A ``explain`` operation EXPLAIN = "explain" """A ``explain`` operation""" SEARCH_RETRIEVE = "searchRetrieve" """A ``searchRetrieve`` operation""" SCAN = "scan" """A ``scan`` operation"""
[docs]class SRUQueryType(str, Enum): def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value CQL = "cql" """shorthand queryType identifier for CQL""" SEARCH_TERMS = "searchTerms"
[docs]class SRURecordPacking(str, Enum): """SRU 2.0 record packing.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value PACKED = "packed" """The client requests that the server should supply records strictly according to the requested schema.""" UNPACKED = "unpacked" """The server is free to allow the location of application data to vary within the record."""
[docs]class SRURecordXmlEscaping(str, Enum): """SRU Record XML escaping (or record packing in SRU 1.2).""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value XML = "xml" """XML record packing""" STRING = "string" """String record packing"""
[docs]class SRURenderBy(str, Enum): """SRU Record XML escaping.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value CLIENT = "client" """The client requests that the server simply return this URL in the response, in the href attribute of the xml-stylesheet processing instruction before the response xml.""" SERVER = "server" """The client requests that the server format the response according to the specified stylesheet, assuming the default SRU response schema as input to the stylesheet."""
[docs]class SRUResultCountPrecision(str, Enum): """(SRU 2.0) Indicate the accuracy of the result count reported by total number of records that matched the query.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value EXACT = "exact" """The server guarantees that the reported number of records is accurate.""" UNKNOWN = "unknown" """The server has no idea what the result count is, and does not want to venture an estimate.""" ESTIMATE = "estimate" """The server does not know the result set count, but offers an estimate.""" MAXIMUM = "maximum" """The value supplied is an estimate of the maximum possible count that the result set will attain.""" MINIMUM = "minimum" """The server does not know the result count but guarantees that it is at least this large.""" CURRENT = "current" """The value supplied is an estimate of the count at the time the response was sent, however the result set may continue to grow."""
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[docs]class SRUVersion(str, Enum): """SRU version""" def __new__(cls, major: int, minor: int): obj = str.__new__(cls, f"{major}.{minor}") obj._value_ = f"{major}.{minor}" obj.major = major obj.minor = minor return obj major: int minor: int @property def version_number(self) -> int: return (self.major << 16) | self.minor @property def version_string(self) -> str: return self.value def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value VERSION_1_1 = (1, 1) VERSION_1_2 = (1, 2) VERSION_2_0 = (2, 0)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Diagnostics SRU_DIAGNOSTIC_RECORD_SCHEMA = "info:srw/schema/1/diagnostics-v1.1" SRU_DIAGNOSTIC_URI_PREFIX = "info:srw/diagnostic/1/"
[docs]class SRUDiagnostics(str, Enum): """Constants for SRU diagnostics See also: * SRU Diagnostics: * SRU Diagnostics List: """ def __new__(cls, nr: int, category: str, description: str): obj = str.__new__(cls, f"{SRU_DIAGNOSTIC_URI_PREFIX}{nr}") obj._value_ = f"{SRU_DIAGNOSTIC_URI_PREFIX}{nr}" = nr obj.category = category obj.description = description obj.__doc__ = description return obj nr: int category: str description: str # fmt: off # general diagnostics GENERAL_SYSTEM_ERROR = (1, "general", "General system error") SYSTEM_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE = (2, "general", "System temporarily unavailable") AUTHENTICATION_ERROR = (3, "general", "Authentication error") UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = (4, "general", "Unsupported operation") UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = (5, "general", "Unsupported version") UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE = (6, "general", "Unsupported parameter value") MANDATORY_PARAMETER_NOT_SUPPLIED = (7, "general", "Mandatory parameter not supplied") UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER = (8, "general", "Unsupported Parameter") DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = (235, "general", "Database does not exist") # diagnostics relating to CQL QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR = (10, "cql", "Query syntax erro") TOO_MANY_CHARACTERS_IN_QUERY = (12, "cql", "Too many characters in query") INVALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_USE_OF_PARENTHESES = (13, "cql", "Invalid or unsupported use of parentheses") INVALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_USE_OF_QUOTES = (14, "cql", "Invalid or unsupported use of quotes") UNSUPPORTED_CONTEXT_SET = (15, "cql", "Unsupported context set") UNSUPPORTED_INDEX = (16, "cql", "Unsupported index") UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION_OF_INDEXES = (18, "cql", "Unsupported combination of indexes") UNSUPPORTED_RELATION = (19, "cql", "Unsupported relation") UNSUPPORTED_RELATION_MODIFIER = (20, "cql", "Unsupported relation modifier") UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION_OF_RELATION_MODIFERS = (21, "cql", "Unsupported combination of relation modifers") UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION_OF_RELATION_AND_INDEX = (22, "cql", "Unsupported combination of relation and index") TOO_MANY_CHARACTERS_IN_TERM = (23, "cql", "Too many characters in term") UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION_OF_RELATION_AND_TERM = (24, "cql", "Unsupported combination of relation and term") NON_SPECIAL_CHARACTER_ESCAPED_IN_TERM = (26, "cql", "Non special character escaped in term") EMPTY_TERM_UNSUPPORTED = (27, "cql", "Empty term unsupported") MASKING_CHARACTER_NOT_SUPPORTED = (28, "cql", "Masking character not supported") MASKED_WORDS_TOO_SHORT = (29, "cql", "Masked words too short") TOO_MANY_MASKING_CHARACTERS_IN_TERM = (30, "cql", "Too many masking characters in term") ANCHORING_CHARACTER_NOT_SUPPORTED = (31, "cql", "Anchoring character not supported") ANCHORING_CHARACTER_IN_UNSUPPORTED_POSITION = (32, "cql", "Anchoring character in unsupported position") COMBINATION_OF_PROXIMITY_ADJACENCY_AND_MASKING_CHARACTERS_NOT_SUPPORTED = (33, "cql", "Combination of proximity/adjacency and masking characters not supported") COMBINATION_OF_PROXIMITY_ADJACENCY_AND_ANCHORING_CHARACTERS_NOT_SUPPORTED = (34, "cql", "Combination of proximity/adjacency and anchoring characters not supported") TERM_CONTAINS_ONLY_STOPWORDS = (35, "cql", "Term contains only stopwords") TERM_IN_INVALID_FORMAT_FOR_INDEX_OR_RELATION = (36, "cql", "Term in invalid format for index or relation") UNSUPPORTED_BOOLEAN_OPERATOR = (37, "cql", "Unsupported boolean operator") TOO_MANY_BOOLEAN_OPERATORS_IN_QUERY = (38, "cql", "Too many boolean operators in query") PROXIMITY_NOT_SUPPORTED = (39, "cql", "Proximity not supporte") UNSUPPORTED_PROXIMITY_RELATION = (40, "cql", "Unsupported proximity relation") UNSUPPORTED_PROXIMITY_DISTANCE = (41, "cql", "Unsupported proximity distance") UNSUPPORTED_PROXIMITY_UNIT = (42, "cql", "Unsupported proximity unit") UNSUPPORTED_PROXIMITY_ORDERING = (43, "cql", "Unsupported proximity ordering") UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION_OF_PROXIMITY_MODIFIERS = (44, "cql", "Unsupported combination of proximity modifiers") UNSUPPORTED_BOOLEAN_MODIFIER = (46, "cql", "Unsupported boolean modifier") CANNOT_PROCESS_QUERY_REASON_UNKNOWN = (47, "cql", "Cannot process query; reason unknown") QUERY_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED = (48, "cql", "Query feature unsupported") MASKING_CHARACTER_IN_UNSUPPORTED_POSITION = (49, "cql", "Masking character in unsupported position") # diagnostics relating to result sets RESULT_SETS_NOT_SUPPORTED = (50, "result sets", "Result sets not supported") RESULT_SET_DOES_NOT_EXIST = (51, "result sets", "Result set does not exist") RESULT_SET_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE = (52, "result sets", "Result set temporarily unavailable") RESULT_SETS_ONLY_SUPPORTED_FOR_RETRIEVAL = (53, "result sets", "Result sets only supported for retrieval") COMBINATION_OF_RESULT_SETS_WITH_SEARCH_TERMS_NOT_SUPPORTED = (55, "result sets", "Combination of result sets with search terms not supported") RESULT_SET_CREATED_WITH_UNPREDICTABLE_PARTIAL_RESULTS_AVAILABLE = (58, "result sets", "Result set created with unpredictable partial results available") RESULT_SET_CREATED_WITH_VALID_PARTIAL_RESULTS_AVAILABLE = (59, "result sets", "Result set created with valid partial results available") RESULT_SET_NOT_CREATED_TOO_MANY_MATCHING_RECORDS = (60, "result sets", "Result set not created: too many matching records") # diagnostics relating to records FIRST_RECORD_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE = (61, "records", "First record position out of range") RECORD_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE = (64, "records", "Record temporarily unavailable") RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST = (65, "records", "Record does not exist") UNKNOWN_SCHEMA_FOR_RETRIEVAL = (66, "records", "Unknown schema for retrieval") RECORD_NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_THIS_SCHEMA = (67, "records", "Record not available in this schema") NOT_AUTHORISED_TO_SEND_RECORD = (68, "records", "Not authorised to send record") NOT_AUTHORISED_TO_SEND_RECORD_IN_THIS_SCHEMA = (69, "records", "Not authorised to send record in this schema") RECORD_TOO_LARGE_TO_SEND = (70, "records", "Record too large to send") UNSUPPORTED_XML_ESCAPING_VALUE = (71, "records", "Unsupported record packing") XPATH_RETRIEVAL_UNSUPPORTED = (72, "records", "XPath retrieval unsupported") XPATH_EXPRESSION_CONTAINS_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE = (73, "records", "XPath expression contains unsupported feature") UNABLE_TO_EVALUATE_XPATH_EXPRESSION = (74, "records", "Unable to evaluate XPath expression") # diagnostics relating to sorting SORT_NOT_SUPPORTED = (80, "sorting", "Sort not supported") UNSUPPORTED_SORT_SEQUENCE = (82, "sorting", "Unsupported sort sequence") TOO_MANY_RECORDS_TO_SORT = (83, "sorting", "Too many records to sort") TOO_MANY_SORT_KEYS_TO_SORT = (84, "sorting", "Too many sort keys to sort") CANNOT_SORT_INCOMPATIBLE_RECORD_FORMATS = (86, "sorting", "Cannot sort: incompatible record format") UNSUPPORTED_SCHEMA_FOR_SORT = (87, "sorting", "Unsupported schema for sort") UNSUPPORTED_PATH_FOR_SORT = (88, "sorting", "Unsupported path for sort") PATH_UNSUPPORTED_FOR_SCHEMA = (89, "sorting", "Path unsupported for schema") UNSUPPORTED_DIRECTION = (90, "sorting", "Unsupported direction") UNSUPPORTED_CASE = (91, "sorting", "Unsupported case") UNSUPPORTED_MISSING_VALUE_ACTION = (92, "sorting", "Unsupported missing value action") SORT_ENDED_DUE_TO_MISSING_VALUE = (93, "sorting", "Sort ended due to missing value ") SORT_SPEC_INCLUDED_BOTH_IN_QUERY_AND_PROTOCOL_QUERY_PREVAILS = (94, "sorting", "Sort spec included both in query and protocol: query prevails") SORT_SPEC_INCLUDED_BOTH_IN_QUERY_AND_PROTOCOL_PROTOCOL_PREVAILS = (95, "sorting", "Sort spec included both in query and protocol: protocol prevails") SORT_SPEC_INCLUDED_BOTH_IN_QUERY_AND_PROTOCOL_ERROR = (96, "sorting", "Sort spec included both in query and protocol: error") # diagnostics relating to stylesheets STYLESHEETS_NOT_SUPPORTED = (110, "stylesheets", "Stylesheets not supported") UNSUPPORTED_STYLESHEET = (111, "stylesheets", "Unsupported stylesheet") # diagnostics relating to scan RESPONSE_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE = (120, "scan", "Response position out of range") TOO_MANY_TERMS_REQUESTED = (121, "scan", "Too many terms requested") # fmt: on
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_uri(cls, uri: str) -> Optional["SRUDiagnostics"]: if not uri: return None for _, member in cls.__members__.items(): if member.value == uri: return member return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESPONSE_ENCODING = "utf-8" RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/xml" PARAM_EXTENSION_PREFIX = "x-"
[docs]class SRUParam(str, Enum): def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value # general / explain related parameter names OPERATION = "operation" VERSION = "version" STYLESHEET = "stylesheet" RENDER_BY = "renderedBy" HTTP_ACCEPT = "httpAccept" RESPONSE_TYPE = "responseType" # searchRetrieve related parameter names QUERY = "query" QUERY_TYPE = "queryType" START_RECORD = "startRecord" MAXIMUM_RECORDS = "maximumRecords" RECORD_XML_ESCAPING = "recordXMLEscaping" RECORD_PACKING = "recordPacking" RECORD_SCHEMA = "recordSchema" RECORD_XPATH = "recordXPath" RESULT_SET_TTL = "resultSetTTL" SORT_KEYS = "sortKeys" # scan related parameter names SCAN_CLAUSE = "scanClause" RESPONSE_POSITION = "responsePosition" MAXIMUM_TERMS = "maximumTerms" X_UNLIMITED_RESULTSET = "x-unlimited-resultset" X_UNLIMITED_TERMLIST = "x-unlimited-termlist" X_INDENT_RESPONSE = "x-indent-response"
[docs]class SRUParamValue(str, Enum): def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value # operations OP_EXPLAIN = "explain" OP_SCAN = "scan" OP_SEARCH_RETRIEVE = "searchRetrieve" VERSION_1_1 = "1.1" VERSION_1_2 = "1.2" # various parameter values RECORD_XML_ESCAPING_XML = "xml" RECORD_XML_ESCAPING_STRING = "string" RECORD_PACKING_PACKED = "packed" RECORD_PACKING_UNPACKED = "unpacked" RENDER_BY_CLIENT = "client" RENDER_BY_SERVER = "server"
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